Chuck Wagon Casserole

9816-lg(click image for recipe) Didn’t take my own pictures because we were in a rush but this is a fast and easy dinner that the kids really enjoyed and my husband wants me to make every week! I used the manual food processor to chop up the pepper and onion. I LOVE this product! OMG it makes life SO much easier! food processor

Turkey Pamesan Sliders

673439-lg(click the image for the recipe) My husband was so happy that I made these! He LOVES hamburgers and Hawaiian rolls! He thought he was in Heaven.  Mine don’t look exactly like the Pampered Chef website picture but that’s okay! I got to use some of my favorite products and the family loved them!


Ham and Cheese Calzone

88880-lg(click on the picture for the recipe) Okay, I have to start by saying, I like to change recipes slightly to make them more my own which is okay and great even. However, my picture will not look like the picture on the Pampered Chef website. I had a busy afternoon running errands and knew that I needed to take my daughter around to deliver fund raisers and we needed to get out the door to go see Santa since it was basically the only night we had. I got home from the food store a little after 4. Of course the baby wanted to eat and then I had to unload groceries so I couldn’t start dinner til almost 5! Luckily, this recipe takes only a few minutes to make and bakes for about 15-20. Great!

Two things I did differently- 1. I brushed some egg white on top to give it that golden, crispy top. 2. I ran the broccoli through the manual food processor as well as the onion.

You DO need to let this sit for a couple of minutes before you cut into it but once you do, be prepared for praise! My oldest bit into it and right away said “MMM, this is REALLY good.” My husband said I need to make it again and SOON! My ten year old doesn’t like broccoli so at first she complained but then asked for seconds and thirds. My six year old, well, he loves everything but he was really happy as well. I think he liked the fact that you can eat it with your hands!! Enjoy!



Why should you buy Pampered Chef products?

I got married for the first time when I was 20. We bought our first home the following year and I knew NOTHING about cooking. I must admit that the internet wasn’t what it is now and I didn’t even know what questions to ask, let alone ask them. Most of our furniture and kitchenware came from hand me downs. There’s nothing like thinking of your mother in law every night at dinner because you have her ugly old plate set. Anyway, I used my used kitchenware and from time to time I would buy a cheap serving spoon or spatula. My parents got me a few nice pots but I didn’t really know what I wanted or needed. Fast forward to now. Husband number two, house number three, and kids, well we have five all together. And my cooking? Well, it has gotten better. My husband likes cooking shows which really helps and I want us to eat healthier. My kitchenware? Embarrassingly…well I MIGHT have many of the same items I used to have. We have gone through a bunch of spatulas- my husband is hard on them lol. Now that I have Pampered Chef in my life, I am realizing I finally have the TOOLS I need to COOK! So I have made a list of the top reasons why everyone should buy Pampered Chef products.

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1. They last! Pampered Chef does not make spatulas that will break if you push down too hard. All of the items have amazing warranties so if one should happen to break, you can get a replacement!

2. They will save you money! This combines a few of my points but having good tools will end up saving you money in the long run. I don’t want to think on how much money we have wasted on CHEAP products. You get what you pay for. Yes, Pampered Chef products are a little pricey if you are on a budget (host a party and get them FREE) but you won’t need to replace them! Also, having the right tools can help you not throw away food! Save money there too!

3. You will have the right tools to cook! It is amazing what you will be able to make with the right tools!

4. You can eat healthier! Again, having the right tools means it will be easier to cook healthy, home made meals!

5. There are so many reasons! What is YOUR reason?

How I Became a Pampered Chef Consultant

My husband and I have a small army of kids between us. A few months ago, my child support was drastically cut. I wanted to find a way to make some money while still being involved with my kids’ lives, going to school, etc. Getting a part time job just wouldn’t work. So, I decided to go back to selling Dove chocolate like I had in the past.

Well, the company had changed a lot and Dove didn’t work very well for me. I closed up shop and decided to put everything on the back burner for a while.

I attended a Pampered Chef cooking class at my friend’s house. I owned some Pampered Chef products but I hadn’t really been to a party before.

The “party” was great! It was a cooking class which meant we used Pampered Chef products to create a great dish!

I started looking at the catalog and right away I knew I had to host my own cooking class, I wanted everything! I also heard my husband complaining bout not having good cooking tools. I started thinking about becoming a consultant myself. I never really thought it was an option before because I am not much of a cook. I thought about the dish we just prepared and realized that with the right tools, anyone can be an amazing chef! The price of the kit was so low and I realized that even if I went out of business in the future, the items in the new consultant kit were things I would use every day. How could I turn down this opportunity?

By pamperedchefbeckab Posted in General

My New Consultant Kit is Here!

It’s here!! I can now test out some amazing products! Today we made brownies in what might be my new favorite thing I own. The brownie pan! Oh my!!! I can’t begin to explain how amazing it is!! The brownies come out perfectly shaped with no cutting!! AND they basically POP right out! My six year old gladly tied on an apron and helped…well mostly helped. There was one egg mishap on the floor, woops!  I have never been so excited about brownies before (and I get pretty darn excited about them lol)

My husband loves eggs for breakfast so today he tried out the Pampered Chef saute pan. He was so amazed! The pan is about ten times heavier than or old pan and we have learned the hard way that a heavier pan won’t warp.  Warped pans don’t cook evenly and will burn food! No more burning with this baby!